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Using script Variables as a Background Image Source in HTML

I'm trying to use a script variable as a background image source for a body element in HTML, but no solution on the internet has worked.

    #Some conditions and variables that form the final variable
    var backimage = 'images/' + image + '.jpg'
      body {
        background: url(#backimage varable here) no-repeat center center fixed;
        background-size: cover;

I tried using code like this


    window.onload = function() {
      document.getElementById('paragraph').style.background = 'url('+iimage+')';


        background: <p id="paragraph"></p> no-repeat center center fixed;

But this does not give any results.

How i can use backimage variable correctly?


  • from your code, i will believe image is a variable set somewhere, I used a free image link as image for example, all you need to do is include your own link and asset the background-image with JavaScriot

        var image = ""; // Assuming 'image' is defined elsewhere
     var backimage = image;
     document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    // Set the background image of the body element = `url(${backimage}) no-repeat center center fixed`;