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How to add FormArray to FormGroup without declaring , and adding programmatically

I trying to learn to create generic template for form where in passing json, would define the structure for the table rendered.

I am unable to add controls and form array to the fromGroup programmatically without declaring it earlier

here is the code, please help me with this issue, and is it the right approach to do it


  • NOT use setControl else addControl

      createForm(jsonData: JsonForm) {
        this.form1.addControl('header', new FormControl(jsonData.header));
        const controlArray = this.fb.array([]);
        for (let control of jsonData.controls || []) {
        this.form1.addControl('controls', controlArray);

    Always you have a fromArray use a getter to "reach" it and iterate over it

      get controls()
        return this.form1.get('controls') as any as FormArray

    And you use

      <form [formGroup]="form1">
          *ngFor="let control of controls.controls; let i = index"
          <input  [formControlName]="i" />

    Your forked stackblitz

    Well, this solve your code, but I feel that the way to create a formGroup is really create a formGroup, not a formArray

    In this way the value of your formGroup have the structure of your json data

    For this, I add a new property to your JsonFormControls interface, name, that it's the name of the property

      createForm(jsonData: JsonForm) {
        //to iterate over an array use forEach instead a for
        (jsonData.controls || []).forEach((control:JsonFormControls,index:number)=>{
          this.form1.addControl( ||'ctrl'+index,
                                new FormControl(control.value))

    Well, now "how iterate"?

    It's not a good idea iterate over jsonData.controls else you can iterate over form.controls using keyvaluePipe

    <ng-template #DEFAULT_FORM_TITILE let-form="form1">
      <h2>{{ jsonData.header }}</h2>
      <form [formGroup]="form1">
       <!-see you iterate over form1.controls|keyvalue
          you use let i=index, to get the value of the jsonData.controls[i]
        <div *ngFor="let control of form1.controls|keyvalue;let i=index">
         <!--sorry the "!", it's to avoid errors of "object can be undefined"-->
          <input [type]="jsonData!.controls![i]?.type || null" 
                 [formControlName]="jsonData!.controls![i]?.name || null" />
      <!--just for check-->

    A new stackblitz