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C# Dependency injection with partial dbContext classes

I have an Entity Framework 5 model, where my DbContext is split into two partial files. The services.AddDbContext() works and it is injected into the controllers. The problem arises when I want to inject it into my services. They are added using services.AddScoped(), but I get the following error:

Unable to activate type 'MyDbContext'. The following constructors are ambiguous....

Can't find anything about it. Any help?


One partial class/file does not have any constructor. The other one has two, auto generated by the scaffold:

public MyDbContext(){}

public MyDbContext(DbContextOptions<MyDbContext> options) : base(options){}

I must confess, don't know which one is really needed...


  • It was my mistake, I did not notice the second constructor in MyService. Removing one worked.