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Alignment Problem with Angular Material Expansion Panel Header

I am using Angular 14 Material Expansion Panel as below...

  <a mat-list-item role="listitem" class="list-item-setting" id="emailTemplatesId" matTooltipPosition="right"
    <mat-icon class="list-item-setting">email</mat-icon>
    <span class="nowrap">User 1</span>
      <mat-expansion-panel hideToggle [(expanded)]="panelOpenState">
          <mat-panel-title style="text-align: left">
            <mat-icon class="list-item-setting">email</mat-icon>
            <span class="list-item-setting">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;User 2</span>
          <mat-panel-description class="mat-panel-description-setting"><a class="list-item-setting"
              routerLinkActive="active">Submenu 1</a></mat-panel-description>
          <mat-panel-description class="mat-panel-description-setting"><a class="list-item-setting"
              routerLinkActive="active">Submenu 2</a></mat-panel-description>
          <mat-panel-description class="mat-panel-description-setting"><a class="list-item-setting"
              routerLinkActive="active">Submenu 3</a></mat-panel-description>

The css code is below...

.list-item-setting {
    padding: 0!important;
    padding-left: 16px;
    color: $white;

The current output is as given below...

Alignment Problem

The current output seems to be good. If you notice the angular html code above, I have used &nbsp; 4 times to achieve this.

Is it possible to achieve the same output with padding for User 2 in css to achieve the same result? I have used the same list-item-setting but could not succeed. This problem occurs when I use mat-accordion.


  • The padding-left didn't work because you didn't add !important.

    If you change this...

    .list-item-setting {
      padding: 0 !important;
      padding-left: 16px;

    .list-item-setting {
      padding: 0 !important;
      padding-left: 16px !important;
 get this output.

    Screenshot 1

    But this is not what you want, I guess. As you can see, there's padding-left where it shouldn't be, and there's no padding-left where it should be. Why? You added the class list-item-setting to multiple elements. I suggest you add a specific class (e.g, add-padding) that will only add padding-left. Add this class to all elements you want to have the padding-left.

    I guess you want to have padding-left on User 1, User 2, Submenu 1, Submenu 2, and Submenu 3. If you don't want to have it on any of these elements, just remove the class add-padding on that element.


    import { Component } from '@angular/core';
     * @title Basic list
      selector: 'list-overview-example',
      templateUrl: 'list-overview-example.html',
    export class ListOverviewExample {}


        <mat-icon class="list-item-setting">email</mat-icon>
        <span class="nowrap add-padding">User 1</span>
          <mat-expansion-panel hideToggle>
              <mat-panel-title style="text-align: left">
                <mat-icon class="list-item-setting">email</mat-icon>
                <span class="list-item-setting add-padding">User 2</span>
              <mat-panel-description class="mat-panel-description-setting"
                ><a class="list-item-setting add-padding" routerLinkActive="active"
                  >Submenu 1</a
              <mat-panel-description class="mat-panel-description-setting"
                ><a class="list-item-setting add-padding" routerLinkActive="active"
                  >Submenu 2</a
              <mat-panel-description class="mat-panel-description-setting"
                ><a class="list-item-setting add-padding" routerLinkActive="active"
                  >Submenu 3</a


    .mat-expansion-panel-header {
      padding: 0 16px !important;
    table {
      border-collapse: collapse;
    .add-padding {
      padding-left: 16px;


    Screenshot 2

    See the live demo.