Search code examples

Elasticsearch QueryBuilders that get all parents that has children

I have documents that are both parent and child in an Elastic Search mapping. And because children are updated frequently, this connection was chosen over nested documents. I now want to find every parent with children and with no parent.

HasChildQueryBuilder hQuery = QueryBuilders
       .hasChildQuery("instance", QueryBuilders
             .hasChildQuery("instance_permission", terms));

I discovered this on the Internet, however it appears to have changed and is no longer valid.

Query query = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder()
        must.(QueryBuilders.matchQuery("relation_type", "parent))
        must. ****  // parents that has children query  ****

Can somebody help me in finishing this query?


  • This works // JoinQueryBuilders.hasChildQuery

    Query query = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder()
              .must(QueryBuilders.matchQuery("relation_type", "parent"))
              .must(JoinQueryBuilders.hasChildQuery("child", QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery(), ScoreMode.None)))
    SearchHits<Asset> searchHits =, Asset.class);