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How can I find HTML like tags in a string using Javascript?

I have the following string:

var originalStr = "Test example <firstTag>text inside first tag</firstTag>, <secondTag>50</secondTag> end."

What's the best way to identify all tags, the correspondent tag name and their content? This is the kind of result I'm looking for.

var tagsFound = 
    [ { "tagName": "firstTag",  "value": "text inside first tag" } 
    , { "tagName": "secondTag", "value": "50" } 


  • Depending on complexity of strings you dealing with - the simple regEx solution might work (it works for your string nicely:

    var str = 'Test example <firstTag>text inside first tag</firstTag>, <secondTag>50</secondTag> end.';
    var tagsFound = [];
    str.replace(/<([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/\1>/g, function(m,m1,m2){
        // write data to result objcect
            "tagName": m1,
            "value": m2
        // replace with original = do nothing with string
        return m;
    // Displaying the results
    for(var i=0;i<tagsFound.length; i++){

    There will be a problem when self closing tags or tags containing other tags are taken into accont. Like <selfClosedTag/> or <tag><tag>something</tag>else</tag>