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How to call POST API method which is hosted on IIS

I have a following http post and GET methods in MVC API Transaction controller;

    public void ImportTransactions()
      // import transactions


    public IHttpActionResult IsApiAlive()
        return Ok();

API service is hosted on IIS, when i run the following URL in IE or Chrome to POST data then some how service is calling GET method not post method which is odd;


URL works fine in postman when i select POST option from the dropdown.


  • If you're sending requests trough your bowsers URL bar or by clicking a link it will always be a GET request. To have further request options like POST you need to use an HTML form or AJAX call (javascript) or have have a fancy little browser plugin installed.


        <form action="/Ftransactions/api/Transaction/ImportTransactions" method="post">
              <input type="text" name="data">
              <input type="submit" value="Submit">

    Most browsers have something like a dev-tool which can often be started by pressing F12 on your keyboard or via the context menu (right click -> inspect). This allows to track the requests you're sending so you can see there of what type your requests are.

    Please also mind the missing I in your methods name mportTransactions()