Search code examples

Finding an element by partial href (Python Selenium)

I'm trying to access text from elements that have different xpaths but very predictable href schemes across multiple pages in a web database. Here are some examples:

<a href="/mathscinet/search/mscdoc.html?code=65J22,(35R30,47A52,65J20,65R30,90C30)">
65J22 (35R30 47A52 65J20 65R30 90C30) </a>

In this example I would want to extract "65J22 (35R30 47A52 65J20 65R30 90C30)"

<a href="/mathscinet/search/mscdoc.html?code=05C80,(05C15)">
05C80 (05C15) </a>

In this example I would want to extract "05C80 (05C15)". My web scraper would not be able to search by xpath directly due to the xpaths of my desired elements changing between pages, so I am looking for a more roundabout approach.

My main idea is to use the fact that every href contains "/mathscinet/search/mscdoc.html?code=". Selenium can't directly search for hrefs, but I was thinking of doing something similar to this C# implementation:

Driver.Instance.FindElement(By.XPath("//a[contains(@href, 'long')]"))

To port this over to python, the only analogous method I could think of would be to use the in operator, but I am not sure how the syntax will work when everything is nested in a find_element_by_xpath. How would I bring all of these ideas together to obtain my desired text?

driver.find_element_by_xpath("//a['/mathscinet/search/mscdoc.html?code=' in @href]").text


  • If I right understand you want to locate all elements, that have same partial href. You can use this:

    elements = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//a[contains(@href, '/mathscinet/search/mscdoc.html')]")
    for element in elements:

    or if you want to locate one element:

    driver.find_element_by_xpath("//a[contains(@href, '/mathscinet/search/mscdoc.html')]").text

    This will give a list of all elements located.