Search code examples

DevExtreme Autocomplete does not filter

I'm using DevExtreme and have a problem with Autocomplete widget.

This is my code to create autocomplete

@(Html.DevExtreme().AutocompleteFor(m => m.CityName)
    .Placeholder(Html.DisplayNameFor(m => m.CityName).ToString())
    .DataSource(d => d.WebApi().Controller("LNAX").LoadAction("Cities").Key("Name").LoadParams(new { id = 5 }))

This is the City class

public class City
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

When I start typing in the exit box. it show all the Cities in the drop-down list. My expectation is show a filtered list beased on what I have typed in.

What is missing in configuring the widget?


  • You need to use javascript to filter the datasource when user types in inside the edit box

    @(Html.DevExtreme().AutocompleteFor(m => m.CityName)
        .Placeholder(Html.DisplayNameFor(m => m.CityName).ToString())
        .DataSource(d => d.WebApi().Controller("LNAX").LoadAction("Cities").Key("Name").LoadParams(new { id = 5 }))
        .OnValueChanged("onCityChange") // add this line

    and then have a javascript like this:

    function onCityChange(e) {
        if (e.value.length >= 3) {
            var filter = e.value;
            var stateId = 5
            autocompleteData = new*a url that returns filtered data based on stateId and filter variables*/);
            // set the new data source to your dxAutocomplete widget
            $("#edCity").dxAutocomplete("instance").option("dataSource", autocompleteData);