Search code examples

Extract from a list elements with indexes given in another list

So I need to extract elements from given list with indexes that are given in another list. Signature supposed to be something like this:

search :: [Int] -> [a] -> [a]

and the result

search [1,3,5] [34,65,67,34,23,43,54]

As far as I know there is no standard functions for this, I can do this on more common languages with cycles, but I'm not that good with haskell.


  • Assuming the indices are sorted, you can write your own explicit recursion.

    search :: [Int] -> [a] -> [a]
    search indices xs = go indices 0 xs  -- start from index 0
       go :: [Int] -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
       -- no more indices, we are done
       go []     _ _                = []
       -- more indices but no more elements -> error
       go _      _ []               = error "index not found"
       -- if the wanted index i is the same as the current index j,
       -- return the current element y, more to the next wanted index
       go (i:is) j yys@(y:_) | i==j = y : go is  j     yys
       -- otherwise, skip y and increment the current index j
       go iis    j (_:ys)           =     go iis (j+1) ys

    More high-level approaches exist, but this should be a basic efficient alternative. It runs in O(n), where n is the length of the lists.

    Note that repeatedly calling !! would instead require O(n^2) time, since each !! costs O(n).

    If the indices are not sorted, use go (sort indices) 0 xs instead. The cost increases to O(n log n).