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How to style the PrimeNg dropdown icon

I am trying to style PrimeNg's dropdown icon.

Here is how it currently looks and what I'm trying to get it to look like. enter image description here

I'm guessing I have to style the


but I'm not sure what to set it to.

I tried background-color but that didn't work.

Another thing I tried was to just set it as an attribute like:

<p-dropdown ... [styleClass]="{background-color:black}" ...></p-dropdown>

Any ideas?


This is how I got the desired output:

  1. Turned off encapsulation (reference)

  2. Added the following code to the css:

    body .ui-dropdown .ui-dropdown-trigger { background-color: #2399E5; color: white; }


  • I use included bootstrap theme from primeng. So I have to adapt:

    body .ui-dropdown .ui-dropdown-trigger {
        background-color: blue;

    in the CSS to colorize the trigger in the theme.