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React input defaultValue doesn't update with props changes

I have created an app using React, Redux & React Router. When the URL changes, the value of the query parameter personId should be used to get the correct person object from an array:

mapStateToProps = (state, router) => ({
    onePerson: state.persons.filter((person, i) => === router.params.personId)[0]

I also have an input element that depends on that person's name:

<input type="text" defaultValue={} />

As the URL changes, and the props updates accordingly, the input element's defaultValue doesn't change. How can I overcome this issue? Note that I don't want to use "controlled input".


  • That's because the defaultValue is only used the first time the component gets rendered. If you need to update the value later, you have to use a controlled input.


    From the React Docs:

    The defaultValue and defaultChecked props are only used during initial render. If you need to update the value in a subsequent render, you will need to use a controlled component.

    I guess you could remove and re-add the component to give it a new defaultValue, but you really shouldn't.