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Why do standard library classes not overload swap() for rvalues?

STL classes define swap() method as void swap(A&), taking an l-value reference. See for example std::vector::swap, or the question Is it necessary to use std::move when swapping two objects?

Such definition means we cannot swap with r-values, since r-value won't bind to However, I see no harm in swapping with r-values. Construct it, steal from it, place some guts in it, destroy it. Done. We can add another overload void swap(A&&) to make it happen.

I see only one reason why we do not have this overload out of the box. Because instead of writing


It is better to write

v = rvalue;

And instead of swapping we will trigger move-assignment, which is even more efficient. Am I right that this reason is valid? Is this the only reason?


  • One of the original move papers actually specified this for the containers:

    And later propagated to shared_ptr and function:

    Swapping with rvalue arguments fell out of favor with LWG 884:

    And N2844 subsequently removed all rvalue swaps:

    I'm not positive this was a good move. However with the more modern shrink_to_fit() way of reducing memory, I'm not positive it matters, since that was the main use case of swapping with rvalues.