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anaconda - path environment variable in windows

I am trying to run python from the windows command prompt (windows 10). So the result is the typical one when the path environment variable is not configured

'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable
 program or batch file

however, I am not sure which is the right directory I should set up in the path variable.

I tried a few variations, and none of them work, including:


and none of them works.

Does anyone have experience with this particular system constellation (windows, anaconda). Thanks.


  • it turns out I was mistaken.

    Solution is: in anaconda (as well as in other implementations), set the path environment variable to the directory where 'python.exe' is installed.

    As a default, the python.exe file in anaconda is in:


    after you do that, obviously, the python command works, in my case, yielding the following.

    Python 3.4.3 |Anaconda 2.2.0. (64|bit)|(default, Nov 7 2015), etc, etc