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Laravel 5.1 CSRF in iframe, how to make it work?

I have a plugin for my app that users can implement in their website that contains a form. The problem is that I get TokenMismatchExceptionwhen the form is submitted. From the research I've done I can see there is a protection for cross-origin from Laravel.

I know I can disable it, but I don't know how to protect the form after that.

Have any of you come across this issue? What is the best practice?

Thank you

Note: I've noticed that if the user has previously visited the original website and then goes to the website where the iframe is included, the Exception is not throwing anymore.


  • Laravel doesn't allow forms to be submitted from other domains, but you can set an exception.

    You can add the exception in App/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php.

    protected $except = [

    Source: EasyLaravel