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How to test c++ template class with multiple template parameters using gtest?

I want to test a template class with gtest. I read about TYPED_TESTs in gtest manual and looked at the official example (samples\ they reference. This template from the example has only one template parameter. But, my code has two template parameters, how can I test it?

I have the following code:

// two element type
template <typename E, typename F>
class QueueNew
    QueueNew() {}
    void Enqueue(const E& element) {}
    E* Dequeue() {}
    F size() const 
        return (F)123;

for which I wrote the test code below:

template <class E, class F>
QueueNew<E, F>* CreateQueue();

template <>
QueueNew<int, int>* CreateQueue<int, int>()
    return new QueueNew < int, int > ;
template <>
QueueNew<char, char>* CreateQueue<char, char>()
    return new QueueNew < char, char > ;

template <class E, class F>
class QueueTestNew;

template <class E>
class QueueTestNew<E, int> : public testing::Test
    QueueTestNew() : queue(CreateQueue<E, int>()){}
    virtual ~QueueTestNew(){ delete queue; }
    QueueNew<E, int>* const queue;

template <class E>
class QueueTestNew<char, E> : public testing::Test
    QueueTestNew() : queue(CreateQueue<char, E>()){}
    virtual ~QueueTestNew(){ delete queue; }
    QueueNew<char, E>* const queue;

// The list of types we want to test.
typedef ::testing::Types <char, int> Implementations;

TYPED_TEST_CASE(QueueTestNew, Implementations);

TYPED_TEST(QueueTestNew, DefaultConstructor)
    EXPECT_EQ(123u, this->queue->size());

but when building, I get the error:

error C2976: 'QueueTestNew' : too few template arguments
see declaration of 'QueueTestNew'

I think my test template method with gtest is wrong, so how should I do this?


  • A trick would be to make gtest see a single type parameter, with nested types. To do this, you can define a templated structure such as:

    template <typename A, typename B>
    struct TypeDefinitions
      typedef typename A MyA;
      typedef typename B MyB;

    Which you can pass to your typed-test fixture:

    template <class T>
    class QueueTestNew : public testing::Test
      QueueTestNew() : queue(CreateQueue<typename T::MyA, typename T::MyB>()){}
      virtual ~QueueTestNew(){ delete queue; }
      QueueNew<typename T::MyA, typename T::MyB>* const queue;
    // The list of types we want to test.
    typedef ::testing::Types <TypeDefinitions<char,char>,
                              TypeDefinitions<int,int> > Implementations;
    TYPED_TEST_CASE(QueueTestNew, Implementations);
    TYPED_TEST(QueueTestNew, DefaultConstructor)
      typename TypeParam::MyA someA; // if you need access to the subtypes in the test itself
      EXPECT_EQ(123u, this->queue->size());