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How to Filter Results in LINQ to Objects Using Group Join?

I have two lists: one representing stores and another representing orders associated with those stores. Here's a simplified version of the data:

var stores = new[] 
    new { Code = 1, Name = "Store 1" },
    new { Code = 2, Name = "Store 2" }    

var orders = new[] 
    new { Code = 1, StoreCode = 1, TotalValue = 4.12 },
    new { Code = 2, StoreCode = 1, TotalValue = 14.12 },
    new { Code = 3, StoreCode = 1, TotalValue = 24.12 }

I'm trying to achieve the following output: StoreName = Store 1 | TotalValue = 38.24

To accomplish this, I'm using a group join in LINQ to Objects to aggregate the orders for each store. However, I also need to filter the results based on a condition applied to the orders.

Here's the query I'm using:

var result = (from s in stores
              join o in orders on s.Code equals o.StoreCode into grp
              where grp.Any(o => o.TotalValue > 10)
              select new
                  StoreName = s.Name,
                  TotalValue = grp.Sum(x => x.TotalValue)

However, I encountered an error: The name 'o' does not exist in the current context.

How can I filter the group joined data from the orders table effectively in this scenario?


  • Try this:

    var result = (from s in stores
                  join o in orders.Where(x => x.TotalValue > 10) on s.Code equals o.StoreCode into grp
                  select new
                      StoreName = s.Name,
                      TotalValue = grp.Sum(x => x.TotalValue)

    Or this

    var result = (from s in stores
                  join o in orders on s.Code equals o.StoreCode into grp
                  select new
                      StoreName = s.Name,
                      TotalValue = grp.Where(x => x.TotalValue > 10)
                                      .Sum(x => x.TotalValue)

    Note that it's usually not necessary to call ToList, as this requires immediate evaluation of the query. Most of the time, leaving it as IEnumerable<T> is sufficient. Also, this will also return a row for 'Store 2', with TotalValue = 0. If you'd like to omit these rows as well, you can use something like this.

    var result = (from s in stores
                  join o in orders.Where(x => x.TotalValue > 10) on s.Code equals o.StoreCode into grp
                  let totalValue = grp.Sum(x => x.TotalValue)
                  where totalValue > 0
                  select new
                      StoreName = s.Name,
                      TotalValue = totalValue 

    Or this

    var result = (from s in stores
                  join o in orders on s.Code equals o.StoreCode into grp
                  let totalValue = grp.Where(x => x.TotalValue > 10)
                                      .Sum(x => x.TotalValue)
                  where totalValue > 0
                  select new
                      StoreName = s.Name,
                      TotalValue = totalValue 